The RTS index has a great importance for the Russian stock market.

The Russian Trading System or RTS is a group with integrated trade and calculation structure which embraces:

  • OAO RTS Stock Exchange;
  • NP RTS;
  • ZAO Clearing Center RTS;
  • OAO Ukrainian Stock Exchange;
  • NKO RTS Clearing House;
  • AO Eurasian Trading System Commodity Exchange;
  • OAO St. Petersburg Stock Exchange;
  • OOO RTS Index Agency.

The stock exchange acts as an OAO (Open Joined-Stock Company) which means that its shares can be freely traded on the market. The RTS is closely interlaced with the MICEX. In 2011, MICEX merged with RTS eliminating several abundant functions. This had a positive impact on the development of the Moscow region as a regional financial center.

Four years earlier, in 2007, the RTS group joined the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE). The RTS has been constantly acknowledged for its fruitful work. Thus, WFE General Secretary Thomas Krantz said that RTS meets all the requirements for the WFE membership.

RTS is made up of several product lines each of which has its role in balancing out the market needs.

  • 1) RTS Standard is tailored for professional, institutional, and private investors, as well as hedge funds. The distinctive feature is that the platform has single system for trading stocks and their derivatives – futures and options. Besides, there is no need to use 100% of assets while closing a deal which is an attractive condition. Settlement period is 4 days, settlement currency is the Russian ruble.
  • 2) RTS Classica does not require 100% of initial depositing as well as precise date and method of payment. Moreover, settlements are made in rubles and foreign currencies such as the U.S. dollar and euro.
  • 3) FORTS RTS is the most popular trading platform in the Russian Federation and Eastern Europe offering a range of instruments. This solution is for those who favor futures and options and opt for such base assets as the RTS index, shares and stocks of Russian companies, bonds, foreign currencies, credit rate MosIBOR, and MosPrim. Alongside this, it is possible to trade Urals and Brent oil trademarks and diesel oil. Traders loyal to gold, silver, sugar, energy, grain and other types of futures also use this platform.

Trading hours at RTS Standard and FORTS are from 10:00 to 23:50 Moscow time. Meanwhile, RTS Classica is open from 10:00 to 18:45, Moscow time.

InstaVector is licensed for the right to provide trading services on RTS platform.